1. Subject of Agreement
1.1. The Organizer of ICM Summit 2023 shall prepare and hold the Summit on 17 of May, 2023 in Frankfurt, Germany.
2. Form of Participation. Rights and Obligations of the Participant.
2.1. Participant is obligated to pay participation fee chosen above.
2.2. The cost of transfer to the place of the event and the accommodation is not included in the cost.
2.3. The Participant shall pay the Organizer 100 % of the participation fee within 7 days of the proforma invoice date.
3. Summit Registration/Cancelation
3.1. In case the Summit is cancelled due to the Organiser’s fault, the Organizer shall be obliged to repay the participant 100% of the amount paid.
3.2.In case the Participant declines his/her participation at the Summit, the Participant shall inform the Organiser about such decline 30 calendar days before the start of the Summit, the Participant shall be repaid 100% of the amount paid.
4. Force Majeure
4.1. In case of force majeure the Organizer is relieved of all obligations.
4.2. Force Majeure includes any circumstances beyond the will of the Organisers.
5. COVID19
5.1. In case the ICM Summit 2023 is postponed due to the COVID19 restrictions followed by the outbreak, the Participant will receive a full refund or have the same package on a later date.
5.2. In case the Participant is unable to attend the ICM Summit 2022 due to local COVID19 restrictions, the Participant shall inform the Organiser no longer than 7 days before the ICM Summit 2023. The organizer will provide a full refund.
6. Term of the Agreement and Order of Termination
6.1. The Agreements comes into effect right after its signing date by both Parties and shall be valid until complete fulfillment of obligations by the Parties.
6.2. The Agreement has been executed in two original copies in English language, one
copy for each Party. Both copies are equally valid.